Friday, July 27, 2012

Holiday Fair!

Supporting Liberty Community Services’ Safe Haven Sunday Brunch for New Haven’s Homeless Community

Date:   Saturday, December 1
Time:   8AM – 10AM Set Up
           4PM Close
Place:  The GoldenCenter
           268 Park Street, New Haven, CT 06511

Vendor Space: 8’ x 8’
Vendor Fee:  $75.00

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Liberty Stars!

Liberty Stars are employees, clients, or community members who do something unique to assist Liberty as an organization or Liberty clients and staff.
As a Liberty Star, the chosen individual has the obligation to give the star away within one month to an employee, client, or community member who assists Liberty or its staff and clients.
Liberty Stars were given to Juakia Inabinet, Andrea Daniels, and Kijana Edwards. This month they will be giving the Liberty Star to . . .

Kim Tchakirides

I pass the star to Kim Tchakirides.  Kim displays compassion and empathy with each client she comes in contact with, making sure their needs are being met. She is also an excellent person to work with who loves doing her job and sharing her knowledge with others. Kim has an engaging personality and is willing to listen as well as answer any question you may ask. For these reasons, and many more, Kim is a Liberty Star!
- Juakia Inabinet

Silvia Moscariello
It gives me great pleasure to pass the Liberty Star on to a very worthy individual, Silvia Moscariello. Silvia is Liberty Community Services' Client Services Coordinator. Silvia is such a positive source of energy. Words fail to convey her commitment to her work and to the clients she serves on the behalf of Liberty. She is compassionate and an ideal person to work with women to enhance and promote positive self-esteem. Moreover, she is a strong motivator and offers effective encouragement to the women's group. Silvia is a Liberty Star!
-Andrea Daniels

Maureen Gaffney
Since Kijana is away on family leave, I am giving Kijana’s star to Maureen Gaffney (Liberty volunteer). Maureen has been running the writing program at the Day Program for approximately 3 years. She is a volunteer who designed the program with very little direction and has shown up weekly for the last three years. The clients get a lot out of the program and Maureen organized a poetry slam about a year ago. Maureen has also now agreed to help in the women’s program. Maureen has given so much to so many clients who have come in the Day Program and she is a true shining star.
- John Bradley

Thanks to Kim, Silvia, and Maureen for letting your light shine and being a Liberty Star!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012